WDAA membership form for 2025. Click the link to print.

January 2026 Update:
Dixie still showing Basic & Level 1
Destiny showing level 2 and 3
2023 Mid Summer National Top Ten
Western Dressage Basic and Level 1
You might be asking yourself, is my horse too old to compete in Western Dressage? If you could ask these two Arabian mares, they would say NAY.
Pictured are DJ Desert Destiny+/ and Royales Painted Dixie+//. DJ Desert
Destiny is a 22-year-old Arabian mare who won Champion in Western
Dressage Level 1 ATR at the Region 11 Arabian Sport Horse Show in Springfield, IL. Royales Painted Dixie+// is a 23-year-old half Arabian that won Reserve Champion in that same class. Both horses do not have plans to slow down anytime soon.
Training in Western or Classical Dressage encourages the horse to use their back and core to carry their rider more efficiently and effectively. Dressage promotes balance and suppleness which promotes long term soundness for the horse. In fact, since starting her dressage training, it has been commented that Destiny is “aging backwards” due to improvements in her muscle tone and gaits.
Dixie competed at Arabian Youth Nationals in Oklahoma City in 2020 where she won numerous top ten awards and a National Championship in Intro Western Dressage with her junior rider. Other competitors could hardly believe her age. Fortunately, with Western Dressage, there is a level suitable for every horse and rider. So older horses can continue to work to build strength and balance at a level that is comfortable for them. This allows us to continue to show our tried-and-true teammates and give more life and longevity to the older horse.
WDAIL Rider Medal Program
Current list of Medals earned:
Bronze Medalists
• Aubrey Albers • Cindy Butler • Sophia Novosel • Mary Skittino • Rebecca Nowak • Crystal Welsh
Silver Medalists
• Marilyn Weber • Mary Skittino
Gold Medalists
• Marilyn Weber • Mary Skittino
The WDAIL (Western Dressage Association of Illinois) is offering a Rider Medal Program. This program is offered to all Western Dressage Association of Illinois Member in good standing (current membership with WDAIL and WDAA).
PARTICIPATION: open to current WDAIL members. Scores submitted have to be earned while a current member of WDAIL. Recognized WDAA shows only qualify towards Medals. Register below for the Rider Medal Program. Submit eligible rides by scanning copies of the face sheet of the written test from the judge with the score, date and location of the ride. Judge’s signature and the WDAA recognized show number must be included.
▪ Rider must be a current WDAIL/WDAA member at the time of the medal submission and the time scores were earned.
▪ All scores submitted must be from WDAA Judges, from WDAA recognized shows.
▪ Medals may be earned out of order.
▪ Scores from 2019 forward will be accepted as long as membership requirements have
been met.
▪ Medals may be earned on multiple horses.
▪ All scores submitted must be 65% or higher with one test from each test level coming from Test #4.
▪ Scores for each medal level must be from two separate judges with the exception of the Bronze Medal Submission. If turning in two scores from Intro and four from Basic, Intro will need at least one judge and Basic will need two. If turning in six scores for Basic, scores must be from three different judges.
▪ Scores from online shows will count as half (twice as many rides will be required from online shows – with twice as many judges).
▪ Application and submission can be filed out and emailed to:
Send payment to support@wdailinois.org (PayPal Friends/Family please)
▪ Submit application, fee and score sheets at one time.
▪ Submit one application per medal level.
▪ BRONZE MEDAL: Two scores from WD Intro Level along with four scores from
WD Basic Level or six scores from Basic Level.
▪ SILVER MEDAL: Three scores from Level 1 along with three scores from Level 2
▪ GOLD MEDAL: Three scores from Level 3 along with three scores from Level 4.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals are custom made conchos with the WDAIL Logo engraved on them. When a rider has earned all three medals, they will be eligible for a custom-made Belt Buckle with the WDAIL Logo on it for a small additional fee.
WDAIL Rider Medal Program
The WDAIL (Western Dressage Association of Illinois) is offering a Rider Medal Program. The Rider Medal Program is open to all WDAIL/WDAA Members in good standing.
TO PARTICIPATE: you must be a current WDAIL/WDAA member and been a member when the scores were earned. Rides must be completed at WDAA recognized shows. Register below and include copies of the fact sheet of the written test from the judge with the score, date, location of the ride and judge’s signature. The WDAA recognized show number must also be included. See detailed program rules posted on the WDAIL website: https://wdaillinois.org/index.html
WHEN TO FILE: file this application and send in all your qualifying score sheets when you have met all the requirements for each level. One application per Level.
$50 Open Amateur Youth (Please circle one)
Rider’s Name: _________________________________
Email address: _______________________________________
WDAA #___________
Phone Number: _______________________
NOTE: You MUST be a WDAIL/WDAA Member in Good Standing to Participate!
Competition Level: Bronze Silver Gold (Please Circle One)
Payment: Please send Payment via PayPal (Friends/Family) to support@wdaillinois.org
Send Application to Marilyn Weber at mareweb@frontiernet.net
Current list of Medals earned:
Bronze Medalists
• Aubrey Albers • Cindy Butler • Sophia Novosel • Mary Skittino • Rebecca Nowak • Crystal Welsh
Silver Medalists
• Marilyn Weber • Mary Skittino
Gold Medalists
• Marilyn Weber • Mary Skittino
The WDAIL (Western Dressage Association of Illinois) is offering a Rider Medal Program. This program is offered to all Western Dressage Association of Illinois Member in good standing (current membership with WDAIL and WDAA).
PARTICIPATION: open to current WDAIL members. Scores submitted have to be earned while a current member of WDAIL. Recognized WDAA shows only qualify towards Medals. Register below for the Rider Medal Program. Submit eligible rides by scanning copies of the face sheet of the written test from the judge with the score, date and location of the ride. Judge’s signature and the WDAA recognized show number must be included.
▪ Rider must be a current WDAIL/WDAA member at the time of the medal submission and the time scores were earned.
▪ All scores submitted must be from WDAA Judges, from WDAA recognized shows.
▪ Medals may be earned out of order.
▪ Scores from 2019 forward will be accepted as long as membership requirements have
been met.
▪ Medals may be earned on multiple horses.
▪ All scores submitted must be 65% or higher with one test from each test level coming from Test #4.
▪ Scores for each medal level must be from two separate judges with the exception of the Bronze Medal Submission. If turning in two scores from Intro and four from Basic, Intro will need at least one judge and Basic will need two. If turning in six scores for Basic, scores must be from three different judges.
▪ Scores from online shows will count as half (twice as many rides will be required from online shows – with twice as many judges).
▪ Application and submission can be filed out and emailed to:
Send payment to support@wdailinois.org (PayPal Friends/Family please)
▪ Submit application, fee and score sheets at one time.
▪ Submit one application per medal level.
▪ BRONZE MEDAL: Two scores from WD Intro Level along with four scores from
WD Basic Level or six scores from Basic Level.
▪ SILVER MEDAL: Three scores from Level 1 along with three scores from Level 2
▪ GOLD MEDAL: Three scores from Level 3 along with three scores from Level 4.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals are custom made conchos with the WDAIL Logo engraved on them. When a rider has earned all three medals, they will be eligible for a custom-made Belt Buckle with the WDAIL Logo on it for a small additional fee.
WDAIL Rider Medal Program
The WDAIL (Western Dressage Association of Illinois) is offering a Rider Medal Program. The Rider Medal Program is open to all WDAIL/WDAA Members in good standing.
TO PARTICIPATE: you must be a current WDAIL/WDAA member and been a member when the scores were earned. Rides must be completed at WDAA recognized shows. Register below and include copies of the fact sheet of the written test from the judge with the score, date, location of the ride and judge’s signature. The WDAA recognized show number must also be included. See detailed program rules posted on the WDAIL website: https://wdaillinois.org/index.html
WHEN TO FILE: file this application and send in all your qualifying score sheets when you have met all the requirements for each level. One application per Level.
$50 Open Amateur Youth (Please circle one)
Rider’s Name: _________________________________
Email address: _______________________________________
WDAA #___________
Phone Number: _______________________
NOTE: You MUST be a WDAIL/WDAA Member in Good Standing to Participate!
Competition Level: Bronze Silver Gold (Please Circle One)
Payment: Please send Payment via PayPal (Friends/Family) to support@wdaillinois.org
Send Application to Marilyn Weber at mareweb@frontiernet.net
Western Dressage is the fastest growing equine discipline in the history of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) and we are getting tons of emails everyday from riders who want to know who can teach them Western Dressage! The Train The Trainers™ taught participants how to incorporate Western Dressage into an existing lesson program or start up a successful clinic program.
Western Dressage is the fastest growing equine discipline in the history of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) and we are getting tons of emails everyday from riders who want to know who can teach them Western Dressage! The Train The Trainers™ taught participants how to incorporate Western Dressage into an existing lesson program or start up a successful clinic program.
WDAIL Mission
The mission of the Western Dressage Association® of Illinois (WDAIL) is to provide venues, forums, and resources for riders of all horse breeds to learn to improve balance, cadence, and carriage of both horse and rider. By combining the disciplines of dressage with the philosophies of western riding, the WDAIL seeks to improve our partnership with our horse. Our goal is a happier, more sound horse, and a more aware and knowledgeable rider. Achieving these goals is a journey of technique, learning, growth, practice, and patience. Join us as we celebrate the legacy of the American West.
Western Dressage rules and tests can be downloaded from the Western Dressage Association® of America website:
“I think the real benefit of Western Dressage is that you don’t have to change everything you know and start on the bottom floor. You can bring the horse, tack, and training you already have, and use Western Dressage to add another level or layer of expertise.”
Western Dressage can help you develop a stronger, more balanced horse.
-Jim Badger, AQHA Professional
Western Dressage rules and tests can be downloaded from the Western Dressage Association® of America website:
“I think the real benefit of Western Dressage is that you don’t have to change everything you know and start on the bottom floor. You can bring the horse, tack, and training you already have, and use Western Dressage to add another level or layer of expertise.”
Western Dressage can help you develop a stronger, more balanced horse.
-Jim Badger, AQHA Professional
Please Support Our Sponsors:
Cindy Butler, Horse Show Judge
AMHR, ASPC, AMHA, IBHA, ABRA, POAC, USEF, NSBA (618) 581-2655 clbutler@charter.net |
Royale Ranch, LLC Horse Boarding and Trail Rides
Dave Skittino 1801 Lemen Road O'Fallon, IL 62269 www.royalerancharabianhorses.com (618) 972-5043 |